Jek = I -(x)
Mek = Me -(x)
Tu = You(informal) -st
Zíe = You(formal) -én
Yél = He -(t)í
Sél = She -(t)í
Et = It (sometimes used as the) -(t)í
Noste = We -emt
Néstu = Us -emt
Ir = They -ínto
Irk = Them -ínto
Nessén = (to) want, desire
Tormén = (to) sleep
Haíldén = (to) help, aid, assist
Alretén = (to) stop, halt, desist
Ruke = back (means body part and preposition)
Der = of
Ban = from
Bor = for
Lamusén = (to) laugh, amuse
Marshén = (to) run, march
Ghéhén = (to) go, move
Luopén = (to) walk
Parlén = (to) speak, talk
Shalde = (to be) hot
Shaldén = (to) heat
Kroide = (to be) cold
Krízén = (to) freeze, chill
Krítjeén = (to) cool
Fínzén = (to) end, finish
Utílízén = (to) use
Le = the
-(e)d = -ed
-ér = male
-(ér)ín = female
Naamre = name
Zaale = number
Bezaalén = (to) count
Méntre = middle, center
Shauhén = (to) show, demonstrate
Gruírre = war
Gaampe = battle, struggle, fight
Díkaatén = (to) say
Veste = west
Éste = east
Norte = north
Saude = south
-(e)s = -ish, -ic
Ghrote = big, large, grand
Pluírrén = (to) rain
Zéhén = (to) see, view
Trabaíltén = (to) work, operate
Jwartén = (to) throw, launch
Vorde = word
Sturme = storm
Aín = one, a(n)
Two = two
Traí = three
Kwaar = four
Sínff = five
Síx = six
Sevtt = seven
Hwétt = eight
Naív = nine
Tín = ten
Vanye = twenty
Trazye = thirty
Kwarantye = fourty
Sínffye = fifty
Soíztye = sixty
Sevttye = seven
Hwéttye = eighty
Naívtye = ninty
Sannye = hundred
Noive = new
Olte = old
Zauvén = (to/be) clean
Smuzén = (to/be) dirty
Képén = (to) save, keep, protect
Trukén = (to) print
Pyantén = (to) paint
Poste = mail
Sendén = (to) mail, send
Shiffén = (to) ship
-(í)í = -s (pl.)
Soke = sock
Shue = shoe
Su = to
Daan = in(to)
Aut = out
Paghye = page
Paíze = country
Zwíkén = (to) search
Jaaghén = (to) hunt, chase
-(e)tje = dimunitive suffix
Ghud = good
Mal = bad
Lézén = (to) read
Lasér = laser
Shaapole = hat
Kapute = head
Píéde = foot
Mauze = house, home
Elboghe = elbow
Ghevéér = gun, rifle
Kraafte = skill, talent, craft
Manne = man
Vomanne = woman
Díske = disc
Disko = disco
Téke = bar, pub
Vaarnén = (to) warn
Fuérre = fire
Flaambe = flame
Bilde = portrait
Píkturre = picture
Toiletje = toilet
Eskaapén = (to) escape, flee
Flaankén = (to) flank
Op = on
Op mal = off
Uppe = up
Taune = down
Baílaaje = town, village
Stade = city
Staateme = state
Stadíume = stadium
Povre = poor
Ríke = rich
Arghélte = money
Kenníshe = rabbit
Bélye = (female) pretty, beautiful, beauty
Byule = (male) " ", " ", " "
Shoene = (location, place,area) " ", " ", " ", soon
Letre = letter
Lítérre = liter
Ghrame = gram
Mítérre = meter
Kwuye = tail, line
Péérívíge = wig
Arbaum = tree
Forte = strong
Píane = weak
Kavalírre = piano
Supre = high, super
Suve = (be)low, sub
Laíkte = easy, simple, diet
Milke = milk
Tishe = table, desk
Setsén = (to) set, place, put
Léghén = (to) lie, lay
Folx = fake, false
Vré = true, very
Lívérrén = (to) free
Buke = book
Bette = better
Bestone = best
Snélle = fast
Longzame = slow
Véllosén = (to) speed
Véllose = speed
Nur = only
Í = and
Lumnén = (to) light
Lumníke = light
Be = at, by
Néhe = near
Waíde = far
Nébén = (to be) next (to)
Slaughén = (to) hit
Sítrone = lemon
Sítruse = citrus
Kola = pop, soda, cola
Shevalén = (to) charge
Faarde = horse
Aín Paare = (a) few, some
Mare = but
Mutte = mother
Pratte = father
Frette = brother
Sutte = sister
Sukre = sugar
Vakwe = water
Beghínén = (to) begin, start
Pushén = (to) shove, push
Beaíltén = (to) hurry
Trenfedén = (to) meet
Stule = chair, stool
Lune = moon
Sole = sun
Baurén = (to) farm
Trinkén = (to) drink
Promenén = (to) drive
Beforre = before
Drokte = right
Sleníkte = left
Rekte = right, correct
Plus = more
Ya = yes
No/Ko = no
Lunetjíí = (eye)glasses
Langhuje = language
Longe = long
Kworte = short, quart
So = so
Alz = as
Fabríkén = (to) make, fabricate, produce
Varente = during
Daurén = (to) last
Shokolate = chocolate
En = than
Ín = then
Manshén = (to) eat
Snakén = (to) bite
-Heéde = -ship, -hood, -ness
Néghbe = neighbor
Tardén = (to be) late
Dénte = tooth
Hísí = here
Haare = hair
Fombén = (to) fall
Dropén = (to) drop
Paaktje = packet, package, pack
Parke = park
Paakén = (to) pack
Bríve = document, letter
Dosírre = folder
Fíle = file
Ghírle = girl
Boye = boy
Uvérre = over, above
Amorén = (to) love
Ghefallén = (to) like
Donnén = (to) give
Holdén = (to) get, fetch
Kanélle = channel
Kéríale = cereal
Sírríale = serial
Mortén = (to) die
Mwérdén = (to) kill
Díuse = God
Kénnén = (to) know
Koennén = can, (to) allow, could
-lose = -less
Taase = glass, cup
Klughe = smart
Stupíde = stupid
Rébéllén = (to) rebel
-Íme = possesion suffix
Nímmén = (to) take
Haavén = (to) have
Tíle = until, till
Taansén = (to) dance
Spíéllén = (to) play, act
Ke = what
Ví = how
Vo = who
Loko = where
Kwaan = when
Vaarume = why
Etto = there
Wase = was
Wérre = were
Hínte = over there, yonder
Víle = much, many
Totale = total, all
Spesíale = special
Uníkwe = unique
Bedoitén = (to) mean
Nixte = nothing
Daat = that
Noghe = yet
Tíunnén = (to) do
Musén = must
Díse = this
Lettén = (to) let
Habítén = (to) live
Léve = life
Taíde = time
Aamil = friend (male)
Aamíye = friend (female)
Froind = boyfriend
Froindín = girlfriend
Kopaanye = (school) friend (male)
Kopaanyín = (school) friend (female)
Skole = school
Siglíse = church
Zoighe = tool
Kon = with
Jéníuse = genius
Énérjíye = energy
Allérjíye = allergy
Kwíttén = (to) leave
Pnue = wheel, tire
Lande = land
Berge = mountain
Hille = hill
L'ínférnaale = Hell
Díaavole = devil, demon
Téléfone = telephone
Télévísíone = television
Jaafte = juice
Paartajén = (to) share
Bunge = advertisement
Íghnítén = (to) light (on fire), ignite, spark
Flíkén = (to) strike
Saavyure = lord, savior
Frauve = lady
Mímsyur = mr.
Mímfrau = mrs.
Mímfrautje = miss
Íntérrén = (to) enter, go into
Autghéhén = (to) exit, go out
L'autghéhe = exit
Béstje = little
Séínén = (to) be
Kunste = art
Muzíume = museum
Muzíke = music
Kaambre = room
Kaméraa = camera
Loyén = (to) rent, borrow, loan
Jobe = role
Maaníke = model
Sunnén = (to) sin
Draakén = (to) dry
Shaanse = luck
Vélde = world
Aarde = earth
Maarron = brown
Gyélve = yellow
Rujte = red
Vérr = green
Víolet = purple
Oraanje = orange (not fruit)
Blu = blue
Swaart = black
Blaank = white
Ghríss = gray
Ghraase = fat, thick
Portén = (to) carry
Turre = door
Traafe = traffic
Krone = crown
Dígh = day
Nwíkte = night
Lundígh = monday
Mardígh = tuesday
Mérkredígh = wednesday
Judígh = thursday
Vendredígh = friday
Saamdígh = satuday
Dímaansh = sunday
Jaanvíaar = january
Févríaar = february
Maarz = march
Aabrille = april
Maí = may
Jwun = june
Jullíé = july
Auguste = august
Septembre = september
Oktobre = october
Novembre = november
Désémbre = december
Ordínaatre = computer
Stéhén = (to) stand
Monítre = monitor, screen
Laampe = lamp, latern
Automobíle = car
Waaghone = vehicle
Paanzre = tank, armor
Mente = mint
Téaatre = theater
Paantalone = pant
Vollén = (to) steal
Flíghén = (to) fly
Fillén = (to) fill
Zollén = should, would
Opéraatén = (to) operate
Vérbettén = (to) upgrade
Saalte = salt
Peppre = pepper
Paaje = page
Kontaakén = (to) contact
Puollét = chicken
Volf = wolf
Kíyen = dog
Kaate = cat
Grenuilye = frog
Zorre = fox
Daakse = badger
Dolfíne = dolphin
Konstruén = (to) build, construct
Sinye = sign
Laíde = song
Fabríkst Sinyíí = (to) beckon
Sweén = (to) sweat
Swe = sweat
Annívérsaare = birthday
Vértrauén = (to) trust
Véraínén = (to) unite
Honorén = (to) honor, accept
Honore = honor
Odorre = smell
Smentén = (to) smell
Taastén = (to) taste
Tyushén = (to) touch
Skutén = (to) hear
Opuvreén = (to) open
Férmén = (to) close
Dispaarén = (to) shoot
Mi = (my)self
Ti = (your)self
Zi = (your)self
Si = (him)self
Si = (her)self
Si = (its)self
Nésti = (our)selves
Irki = (them)selves
(Si) Hraazén = (to) shave (one's self)
(Si) Brossén = (to) brush (one's self)
(Si) Kaashén = (to) hide (one's self)
(Si) Skupén = (to) cut (one's self)
(Si) Désídén = (to) settle, decide (make up one's mind)
(Si) Défraamdén = (to) ask (wonder)
(Si) Détendreén = (to) relax (one's self)
(Si) Dévélopén = (to) develop (one's self)
(Si) Dístingweén = (to) distinguish (one's self)
(S') Émpyeshén = (to) prevent (one's self)
(S') Entormén = (to) put to sleep (fall asleep)
(S') Énnérfén = (to) annoy, irritate (become annoyed)
(Si) Haabíllén = (to) dress (one's self)
(S') Ímaajímén = (to) imagine (one's self)
(S') Ímpossén = (to) impose (compel recognition)
(Si) Levén = (to) rise (get up)
(S') Orghaanízén = (to) organize (get organized)
(Si) Pényeén = (to) comb (one's hair)
Pérstaínre = stone, rock
Síllokwé = silloquey
(Si) Plaasén = (to) place, invest (take one's place)
(Si) Plonjén = (to) dive, plunge, thrust (immerse one's self)
(Si) Prépaarén = (to) prepare (one's self)
(Si) Présentén = (to) present (one's self)
Si Fabríkén = (to) happen, take place
(Si) Raapéllén = (to) call back, remind (recall, remember)
(Si) Réghaalén = (to) regale, entertain (have a great time)
(Si) Hrendreén = (to) return, give back (go to)
Si Réportén = (to) refer back to
(Si) Répossén = (to) rest, be restful, put down again (rest, take a nap)
Réshkwiltén = (to) cut in, cheat
(Si) Rétaírén = (to) pull out (withdrawl)
(Si) Réturnnén = (to) turn over, flip, turn inside out (turn around)
Si Révéllén = (to) awaken, wake up
(Si) Rézéhén = (to) reveal (turn out to be)
Si Hruinnén = (to) ruin, go bankrupt
Si Saízén = (to) seize, grab, pounce on
(Si) Swífreén = (to) follow (in succession)
(Si) Vaantén = (to) praise (brag, boast)
(Si) Vendreén = (to) sell (one's self)
Si Venghén = (to) avenge one's self, take revenge
'Twase = 'twas
Snwaajén = (to) swim
Vaanístre = flag, bannister
Aasíde = acid
Asuulle = oil
Fénnestre = window
Ghlaísre = glacier
Ghlaís = ice, glaze
Ghlaíssén = (to) ice, glaze
Hollande = Netherlands
Bélghíye = Belgium
Aallemanye = Germany
Fraanse = France
Spaínye = Spain
Portughaal = Portugul
Fínlande = Finland
Suédénne = Sweden
Norghée = Norway
Russíye = Russia
Íraakh = Iraq
Íraan = Iran
Índíye = India
Kínne = China
Jaapone = Japan
Austraalíye = Australia
Dénnemark = Denmark
Ítaalye = Italy
Enghelande = England
Írlande = Ireland
Aaméríke = America
Kaanaade = Canada
Méxíko = Mexico
Aazíye = Asia
Aanartíke = Antartica
Aafríke = Africa
Méntríaane = Mentriana
Letseburge = Luxembourg
Le Swítse = Switzerland
-(é/a/í)nse = -(e/a/i)nce, -nse
Référénse = reference
Fínanse = finance
Évídénse = evidence
Maaghaazíne = store, shop