helmet crest on black


Nominative Case
Genitive Case
Accusative Case
Partitive Case
Inessive Case
Elative Case
Illative Case
Adessive Case
Ablative Case
Allative Case
Essive Case
Translative Case
Abessive Case
Comitative Case
Instructive Case
Prolative Case
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On this page, I'll explain Suoníppomí grammar, it can be confusing, sorry...

In Suoníppomí, the verb is the strongest item in the sentences. There is no real reason why certain verbs must have a noun in a certain case (I just made it that way to follow Finnish). For example, the sentence: Wamíné rakatshan sínuqwa, "I love you", the pronoun síné "you" must take the partitive case. In the sentence: Dupíyuén sínutshé, "I like you", this time the verb makes the pronoun take the elative case.
The dynamic/static verbs also require different cases for time expression. For ex., in the sentence Olreth Suoníppomízaé shuvíkoth, "I'm staying in Suonippomia for a week", the static verb olre "to be" requires
the expression of time in the accusative case, but in the following sentence, Omuménkuéqwa Suoníppomíqwa shuvíkokshí, "I'm going to Suonippomia for a week", the dynamic verb omuménkué "to go" requires the time expression in the translative case.

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In this area I'll define any specialized vocabulary that it's helpful to know in order to perform the tasks described on this page.