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Méntríaanes (Mentrianish in English)
Grammar/Words Page

On this page, I'll include one or more sets of instructions that may help others get involved in or become more proficient at my hobby.

In Méntríaanes, the grammar follows exactly Dutch, and a few tidbits of French.
For example, in English, we say...I am going to be working at the store later tonight, which if put into syntax is...(PN) (V) (V) (Prep) (V) (V) (Prep) (Adj) (N) (Adj) (N).Well, in Méntríaanes you'd say...Jek ghéh sunwíkte daan le maaghaazíne fabríkén, syntax...(PN) (V) (N) (Prep) (Adj) (N) (V). 

Jek = I -(x)

Mek = Me -(x)

Tu = You(informal) -st

Zíe = You(formal) -én

Yél = He -(t)í

Sél = She -(t)í

Et = It (sometimes used as the) -(t)í

Noste = We -emt

Néstu = Us -emt

Ir = They -ínto

Irk = Them -ínto

Nessén = (to) want, desire

Tormén = (to) sleep

Haíldén = (to) help, aid, assist

Alretén = (to) stop, halt, desist

Ruke = back (means body part and preposition)

Der = of

Ban = from

Bor = for

Lamusén = (to) laugh, amuse

Marshén = (to) run, march

Ghéhén = (to) go, move

Luopén = (to) walk

Parlén = (to) speak, talk

Shalde = (to be) hot

Shaldén = (to) heat

Kroide = (to be) cold

Krízén = (to) freeze, chill

Krítjeén = (to) cool

Fínzén = (to) end, finish

Utílízén = (to) use

Le = the

-(e)d = -ed

-ér = male

-(ér)ín = female

Naamre = name

Zaale = number

Bezaalén = (to) count

Méntre = middle, center

Shauhén = (to) show, demonstrate

Gruírre = war

Gaampe = battle, struggle, fight

Díkaatén = (to) say

Veste = west

Éste = east

Norte = north

Saude = south

-(e)s = -ish, -ic

Ghrote = big, large, grand

Pluírrén = (to) rain

Zéhén = (to) see, view

Trabaíltén = (to) work, operate

Jwartén = (to) throw, launch

Vorde = word

Sturme = storm

Aín = one, a(n)

Two = two

Traí = three

Kwaar = four

Sínff = five

Síx = six

Sevtt = seven

Hwétt = eight

Naív = nine

Tín = ten

Vanye = twenty

Trazye = thirty

Kwarantye = fourty

Sínffye = fifty

Soíztye = sixty

Sevttye = seven

Hwéttye = eighty

Naívtye = ninty

Sannye = hundred

Noive = new

Olte = old

Zauvén = (to/be) clean

Smuzén = (to/be) dirty

Képén = (to) save, keep, protect

Trukén = (to) print

Pyantén = (to) paint

Poste = mail

Sendén = (to) mail, send

Shiffén = (to) ship

-(í)í = -s (pl.)

Soke = sock

Shue = shoe

Su = to

Daan = in(to)

Aut = out

Paghye = page

Paíze = country

Zwíkén = (to) search

Jaaghén = (to) hunt, chase

-(e)tje = dimunitive suffix

Ghud = good

Mal = bad

Lézén = (to) read

Lasér = laser

Shaapole = hat

Kapute = head

Píéde = foot

Mauze = house, home

Elboghe = elbow

Ghevéér = gun, rifle

Kraafte = skill, talent, craft

Manne = man

Vomanne = woman

Díske = disc

Disko = disco

Téke = bar, pub

Vaarnén = (to) warn

Fuérre = fire

Flaambe = flame

Bilde = portrait

Píkturre = picture

Toiletje = toilet

Eskaapén = (to) escape, flee

Flaankén = (to) flank

Op = on

Op mal = off

Uppe = up

Taune = down

Baílaaje = town, village

Stade = city

Staateme = state

Stadíume = stadium

Povre = poor

Ríke = rich

Arghélte = money

Kenníshe = rabbit

Bélye = (female) pretty, beautiful, beauty

Byule = (male) " ", " ", " "

Shoene = (location, place,area) " ", " ", " ", soon

Letre = letter

Lítérre = liter

Ghrame = gram

Mítérre = meter

Kwuye = tail, line

Péérívíge = wig

Arbaum = tree

Forte = strong

Píane = weak

Kavalírre = piano

Supre = high, super

Suve = (be)low, sub

Laíkte = easy, simple, diet

Milke = milk

Tishe = table, desk

Setsén = (to) set, place, put

Léghén = (to) lie, lay

Folx = fake, false

Vré = true, very

Lívérrén = (to) free

Buke = book

Bette = better

Bestone = best

Snélle = fast

Longzame = slow

Véllosén = (to) speed

Véllose = speed

Nur = only

Í = and

Lumnén = (to) light

Lumníke = light

Be = at, by

Néhe = near

Waíde = far

Nébén = (to be) next (to)

Slaughén = (to) hit

Sítrone = lemon

Sítruse = citrus

Kola = pop, soda, cola

Shevalén = (to) charge

Faarde = horse

Aín Paare = (a) few, some

Mare = but

Mutte = mother

Pratte = father

Frette = brother

Sutte = sister

Sukre = sugar

Vakwe = water

Beghínén = (to) begin, start

Pushén = (to) shove, push

Beaíltén = (to) hurry

Trenfedén = (to) meet

Stule = chair, stool

Lune = moon

Sole = sun

Baurén = (to) farm

Trinkén = (to) drink

Promenén = (to) drive

Beforre = before

Drokte = right

Sleníkte = left

Rekte = right, correct

Plus = more

Ya = yes

No/Ko = no

Lunetjíí = (eye)glasses

Langhuje = language

Longe = long

Kworte = short, quart

So = so

Alz = as

Fabríkén = (to) make, fabricate, produce

Varente = during

Daurén = (to) last

Shokolate = chocolate

En = than

Ín = then

Manshén = (to) eat

Snakén = (to) bite

-Heéde = -ship, -hood, -ness

Néghbe = neighbor

Tardén = (to be) late

Dénte = tooth

Hísí = here

Haare = hair

Fombén = (to) fall

Dropén = (to) drop

Paaktje = packet, package, pack

Parke = park

Paakén = (to) pack

Bríve = document, letter

Dosírre = folder

Fíle = file

Ghírle = girl

Boye = boy

Uvérre = over, above

Amorén = (to) love

Ghefallén = (to) like

Donnén = (to) give

Holdén = (to) get, fetch

Kanélle = channel

Kéríale = cereal

Sírríale = serial

Mortén = (to) die

Mwérdén = (to) kill

Díuse = God

Kénnén = (to) know

Koennén = can, (to) allow, could

-lose = -less

Taase = glass, cup

Klughe = smart

Stupíde = stupid

Rébéllén = (to) rebel

-Íme = possesion suffix

Nímmén = (to) take

Haavén = (to) have

Tíle = until, till

Taansén = (to) dance

Spíéllén = (to) play, act

Ke = what

Ví = how

Vo = who

Loko = where

Kwaan = when

Vaarume = why

Etto = there

Wase = was

Wérre = were

Hínte = over there, yonder

Víle = much, many

Totale = total, all

Spesíale = special

Uníkwe = unique

Bedoitén = (to) mean

Nixte = nothing

Daat = that

Noghe = yet

Tíunnén = (to) do

Musén = must

Díse = this

Lettén = (to) let

Habítén = (to) live

Léve = life

Taíde = time

Aamil = friend (male)

Aamíye = friend (female)

Froind = boyfriend

Froindín = girlfriend

Kopaanye = (school) friend (male)

Kopaanyín = (school) friend (female)

Skole = school

Siglíse = church

Zoighe = tool

Kon = with

Jéníuse = genius

Énérjíye = energy

Allérjíye = allergy

Kwíttén = (to) leave

Pnue = wheel, tire

Lande = land

Berge = mountain

Hille = hill

L'ínférnaale = Hell

Díaavole = devil, demon

Téléfone = telephone

Télévísíone = television

Jaafte = juice

Paartajén = (to) share

Bunge = advertisement

Íghnítén = (to) light (on fire), ignite, spark

Flíkén = (to) strike

Saavyure = lord, savior

Frauve = lady

Mímsyur = mr.

Mímfrau = mrs.

Mímfrautje = miss

Íntérrén = (to) enter, go into

Autghéhén = (to) exit, go out

L'autghéhe = exit

Béstje = little

Séínén = (to) be

Kunste = art

Muzíume = museum

Muzíke = music

Kaambre = room

Kaméraa = camera

Loyén = (to) rent, borrow, loan

Jobe = role

Maaníke = model

Sunnén = (to) sin

Draakén = (to) dry

Shaanse = luck

Vélde = world

Aarde = earth

Maarron = brown

Gyélve = yellow

Rujte = red

Vérr = green

Víolet = purple

Oraanje = orange (not fruit)

Blu = blue

Swaart = black

Blaank = white

Ghríss = gray

Ghraase = fat, thick

Portén = (to) carry

Turre = door

Traafe = traffic

Krone = crown

Dígh = day

Nwíkte = night

Lundígh = monday

Mardígh = tuesday

Mérkredígh = wednesday

Judígh = thursday

Vendredígh = friday

Saamdígh = satuday

Dímaansh = sunday

Jaanvíaar = january

Févríaar = february

Maarz = march

Aabrille = april

Maí = may

Jwun = june

Jullíé = july

Auguste = august

Septembre = september

Oktobre = october

Novembre = november

Désémbre = december

Ordínaatre = computer

Stéhén = (to) stand

Monítre = monitor, screen

Laampe = lamp, latern

Automobíle = car

Waaghone = vehicle

Paanzre = tank, armor

Mente = mint

Téaatre = theater

Paantalone = pant

Vollén = (to) steal

Flíghén = (to) fly

Fillén = (to) fill

Zollén = should, would

Opéraatén = (to) operate

Vérbettén = (to) upgrade

Saalte = salt

Peppre = pepper

Paaje = page

Kontaakén = (to) contact

Puollét = chicken

Volf = wolf

Kíyen = dog

Kaate = cat

Grenuilye = frog

Zorre = fox

Daakse = badger

Dolfíne = dolphin

Konstruén = (to) build, construct

Sinye = sign

Laíde = song

Fabríkst Sinyíí = (to) beckon

Sweén = (to) sweat

Swe = sweat

Annívérsaare = birthday

Vértrauén = (to) trust

Véraínén = (to) unite

Honorén = (to) honor, accept

Honore = honor

Odorre = smell

Smentén = (to) smell

Taastén = (to) taste

Tyushén = (to) touch

Skutén = (to) hear

Opuvreén = (to) open

Férmén = (to) close

Dispaarén = (to) shoot

Mi = (my)self

Ti = (your)self

Zi = (your)self

Si = (him)self

Si = (her)self

Si = (its)self

Nésti = (our)selves

Irki = (them)selves

(Si) Hraazén = (to) shave (one's self)

(Si) Brossén = (to) brush (one's self)

(Si) Kaashén = (to) hide (one's self)

(Si) Skupén = (to) cut (one's self)

(Si) Désídén = (to) settle, decide (make up one's mind)

(Si) Défraamdén = (to) ask (wonder)

(Si) Détendreén = (to) relax (one's self)

(Si) Dévélopén = (to) develop (one's self)

(Si) Dístingweén = (to) distinguish (one's self)

(S') Émpyeshén = (to) prevent (one's self)

(S') Entormén = (to) put to sleep (fall asleep)

(S') Énnérfén = (to) annoy, irritate (become annoyed)

(Si) Haabíllén = (to) dress (one's self)

(S') Ímaajímén = (to) imagine (one's self)

(S') Ímpossén = (to) impose (compel recognition)

(Si) Levén = (to) rise (get up)

(S') Orghaanízén = (to) organize (get organized)

(Si) Pényeén = (to) comb (one's hair)

Pérstaínre = stone, rock

Síllokwé = silloquey

(Si) Plaasén = (to) place, invest (take one's place)

(Si) Plonjén = (to) dive, plunge, thrust (immerse one's self)

(Si) Prépaarén = (to) prepare (one's self)

(Si) Présentén = (to) present (one's self)

Si Fabríkén = (to) happen, take place

(Si) Raapéllén = (to) call back, remind (recall, remember)

(Si) Réghaalén = (to) regale, entertain (have a great time)

(Si) Hrendreén = (to) return, give back (go to)

Si Réportén = (to) refer back to

(Si) Répossén = (to) rest, be restful, put down again (rest, take a nap)

Réshkwiltén = (to) cut in, cheat

(Si) Rétaírén = (to) pull out (withdrawl)

(Si) Réturnnén = (to) turn over, flip, turn inside out (turn around)

Si Révéllén = (to) awaken, wake up

(Si) Rézéhén = (to) reveal (turn out to be)

Si Hruinnén = (to) ruin, go bankrupt

Si Saízén = (to) seize, grab, pounce on

(Si) Swífreén = (to) follow (in succession)

(Si) Vaantén = (to) praise (brag, boast)

(Si) Vendreén = (to) sell (one's self)

Si Venghén = (to) avenge one's self, take revenge

'Twase = 'twas

Snwaajén = (to) swim

Vaanístre = flag, bannister

Aasíde = acid

Asuulle = oil

Fénnestre = window

Ghlaísre = glacier

Ghlaís = ice, glaze

Ghlaíssén = (to) ice, glaze

Hollande = Netherlands

Bélghíye = Belgium

Aallemanye = Germany

Fraanse = France

Spaínye = Spain

Portughaal = Portugul

Fínlande = Finland

Suédénne = Sweden

Norghée = Norway

Russíye = Russia

Íraakh = Iraq

Íraan = Iran

Índíye = India

Kínne = China

Jaapone = Japan

Austraalíye = Australia

Dénnemark = Denmark

Ítaalye = Italy

Enghelande = England

Írlande = Ireland

Aaméríke = America

Kaanaade = Canada

Méxíko = Mexico

Aazíye = Asia

Aanartíke = Antartica

Aafríke = Africa

Méntríaane = Mentriana

Letseburge = Luxembourg

Le Swítse = Switzerland

-(é/a/í)nse = -(e/a/i)nce, -nse

Référénse = reference

Fínanse = finance

Évídénse = evidence

Maaghaazíne = store, shop

Vaarume wase etto hínte so víle ghespíélled?

(Why was there so much playing there?)

Nixte daat jek koenn tíunn, daat jek noghe níét ghetíaan haav, ko vordíí daat jek koenn díkaatén, ko vréheéde plus uvérre daat jek koenn zéhén, so mus jek díse lettén fínzén, ín fombén totale autaín, beforre jek míme léve habíttí ghefall jek tottaíde ghetíaan haav...

(Nothing i can do, that i have not done,no words i can say, no truth left that i can see, so must i let this end, then everything fall apart, before i live my life, as i have always done...)

Kwaan tíme ordínaatre opéraaténsystéme vérbetted su Windows XP

(When your computer operating system is upgrading to Windows XP)

(séínén = (to) be)

jek bín = i am

tu bíst = you are

zíe bísén = you are

yél is = he is

sél is = she is

et is = it is

noste semt = we are

ir sínto = they are

jek wase = i was

tu wérre = you were

zíe wérre = you were

yél wase = he was

sél wase = she was

et wase = it was

noste wérre = we were

ir wérre = they were

(zéhén = (to) see)

jek zéh = i see

tu zéhst = you see

zíe zéhén = you see

yél zéhtí = he sees

sél zéhtí = she sees

et zéhtí = it sees

noste zéhemt =we see

ir zéhínto = they see

jek zaw = i saw

tu zawst = you saw

zíe zawén = you saw

yél zawtí = he saw

sél zawtí = she saw

et zawtí = it saw

noste zawemt = we saw

ir zawínto = they saw

jek m'entorm = i fall asleep

tu t'entormst = you fall asleep

zíe z'entormén = you fall asleep

yél s'entormtí = he falls asleep

sél s'entormtí = she falls asleep

et s'entormtí = it falls asleep

noste nést'entormemt = we fall asleep

ir irk'entormínto = they fall asleep

parlén zíe dénnemarks? = do you speak danish?

parlst tu norghées? = do you speak norwegian?

parltí yél hollandes? = does he speak dutch?

parltí sél suédénnes? = does she speak swedish?

parlemt noste kínnes? = do we speak chinese?

parlínto ir aallemanyes? = do they speak german?

parl jek fraanses? = do i speak french?

lézén zíe le buke russíyes? = did you read the russian book?

lézst tu le buke ítaalyes? = did you read the italian book?

léztí yél le buke bélghíyes? = did he read the belgian book?

léztí sél le buke austríyes? = did she read the austrian book?

lézemt noste le buke jaapones? = did we read the japanese book?

lézínto ir le buke portughaals? = did they read the portuguese book?

léz jek le buke kaanaades? = did i read the canadian book?